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'Owl' Meteorite Necklace
'Owl' Meteorite Necklace
On Sale

'Owl' Meteorite Necklace

Regular price $ 860.00 HKD
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Healing. Positivity. Infinite possibilities.

Crafted in rare iron meteorite or moldavite, these simple yet elegant earrings are fused with high energy from outer space facilitating inner vision and transformation. Muonionalusta meteorite is a rare and powerful material, the healing energy is known to increase vitality, concentration, communication, protects against negative energy and attracts abundance. A truly timeless gift with a certificate of authenticity. Fine Widmanstätten and unique etch patterns guarantee the authenticity of the meteorite. Muonionalusta meteorite is located north of the Arctic Circle in the northern part of Sweden, confirmed by geologists to have experienced ice age on Earth.

An incredible and unique gift for yourself or your loved one to encourage healing, positive energy and abundance.


  • Materials: 925 Sterling Silver and Muonionalusta meteorite
  • Size: ~6mm in diameter




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